Monday, March 11, 2013


We talked about the movie today,  not watched it. We covered what we missed and then, watched it.  Darius' son Xerxes was the next leader of Persia.  There was another war between Persia and Athens, except this time they fought on ships, and Persia came with say 600,000 men.  Some scholars say 2 million, but who knows?  Again they won, but this time they won by a trick.  An Athenian acted as a traitor to his home people, and told the Persians if they go in now they will be able to defeat them easily, only if you spare me.  Well, they went in and surrounded them, and killed them while the last few ran home.  They were trapped in the straits of Salamis.  Oh, also, everybody evacuated Athens and so when Persians saw this they burned and wrecked the entire place.  And before the war they found silver, so they got rich and Themistocles built 200 more triremes.  Thank heavens he did too.  After the War, Themistocles was ostracized because the people thought he might try and gain power.  This is a little contradictory/ironic because he was an amazing leader and he saved them all.  After this he went to other places including Persia basically asking help me and I will help you formulate really great war plans.  They killed him.  Delin was a big organization basically that combined city-states.  The Parthenon was worth approximately 1 billion dollars to build.  The pole things are 40 feet tall and get smaller at the top to perceive it to be taller.  Aspasia was a prostitute who was really smart and nice!  People took her to a really nice dinner and then slept with her.  Paracles left his wife for her and she probably helped him write a lot of his speeches.  Everyone looked down upon this.  Any ways the play Oedipus was where the dude was told by the fates he was going to kill his father and sleep with his mother and be a horrible leader.  He didn't believe this but he accidentally did both.  When he realized he killed his father he was greatly saddened and depressed, and when he realized he slept with his mother he gauged out his eyes so he would see the faces of everyone.  You cannot escape the fates.  Achilles was invulnerable because they dipped him in this special river, but missed his ankles, because that is what they held him up by.  He ended up dying by a poison arrow to the ankles.  Hubris=peopple in power who think they can get away with anything.

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