Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Socrates had a big head, big eyes, wierd nose and just odd porportions in all.  Greeks soon realized that the gods weren't actual humans but objects and people put reason to all the earth's things.  They also calculated moon size, and the height of the pyramids.  (Thalies did all that).  Socrates loved the city and talked to anyone and everyone.  "Unexamined life is not worth living"-Socrates most famous quote.  We also talked about how Pericles got stupid and wanted to attack Sparta--bad idea.  They lost, partly due to the fact that the plague hit them, he became a hubris, and Spartans are just better.  The plague wiped out about 1/3 of Athens, including Pericles.  It took him 6 months to die, and he did so in the fall of 429 BC.  People tried to gain power after this but it just became chaos.  Also, when Athens destroyed Sicily and came home the generals were executed, not worshiped.  This is because they didn't bother collecting the men in the water, dead or alive.  Once they lost to Sparta they had to blame it on someone so they blamed Socrates.  He was arrested for corrupting youngins and undermining their religion.  Athens never had a good leader after Pericles, and Socrates tried to stop the generals from being executed.  Thusidius wrote all about the plague becuase he survived it.  The Palapalesian war caused Sparta to become an even greater threat to Athens.

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