Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More Movie

We watched more of the movie and so a guy named Pheidippides ran 140 miles in two days to get to Sparta to ask them to help them defeat Persia.  Sadly, when he got there though, they said no, we don't want to we're on a holiday.  Persia was a huge empire that had loads more of people and therefore means a larger army.  Even though Athens was outnumbered 2- in the war they still won because it was also just ordinary people who were fighting, and they had their hearts in the fight, Persians didn't.  In one day Athenians killed 6000 Persians.  In the end Athens won the war!!! Whooo!!  The Persian Empire stretched from India to Turkey and they were known to have the greatest power.  The reason the Persians attacked Athens was because they were gaining power and became a threat.  Darius was known as the great king of Persia.  Except he was a tyrant.  People who walked near him or talked to him had to cover their mouths because no one dared to "infect" the air around him.  The Greeks believed in more freedom than the Persians did (more about obedience).  Which is kinda odd because Greeks had slaves and Persians didn't.  Also, a marathon is called this because the trek from Athens to Marathon was 26.2 miles.  Themistocles seemed to be the only one who realized Persia might come back even more strong and their hearts and minds would be in it this time, he was also one of histories great leaders.  That's all.

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