Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Greeks

We had to get our notebooks out and pencils, and had to take notes on a video about the Greeks.  Firstly though, Mikenzhie and Kelley both fell out of their seats.  Well, Mikenzhie did, Kelley and the desk fell over.  I was hilarious.  Anyway the video was narrated by Liam Neeson, and oh my lord, I absolutely LOVE his voice, it's the best one in the world.  Sadly there was this annoying feminine guy who spoke like and idiot.  Socrates was really ugly, and he was known for it too.  In 508 BC pandemonium was erupted and there was a man named Cleisthenes.  He basically was raised to be and aristocrat, which means you are wealthy, and highly respected and powerful.  Although he was supposedly an aristocrat he felt all peoples should be in charge of their own destiny.  3/4 of Greece is covered in mountains, that is why they traveled a lot by ships.  Greece was so big that they had to break it down into city-states and so city-states had their own tradition, culture and background.  Also the place Spartan men liked most were the barracks.  These were military homes where they basically grew up in.  Also, they didn't mind to die as much because it was not comparison to the food they ate.  Lastly, their cloaks were died blood red to represent they blood of their enemies.

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