Saturday, February 9, 2013


Barbarian:  A member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations.
Megalithic: Denoting prehistoric cultures characterized by the erection of megalithic monuments
Tribe: A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious
Indo-European: Ancestors of Greeks and Latins

The Greeks were one of the earliest civilizations.  The are greatly known for their accomplishments, structures and life styles.  Greeks were one of the very first barbarians, soon they started to migrate more towards the southeastern area of Europe.  This was around the time 2000 BC.  The Greeks were wealthy, held a high status and were independent.  Most of the structures that they built, are still standing today (even though they had gone through so much bad weather and others trying to destroy/ruin them).  These megalithic structures were starting to be built around the year 3500 BC.  The Greek's classic civilization emerged close to the year 800 BC.  When a solider died he would be laid next to his wife and his items such as horse chariot and other items would be buried with them.  I think that's stupid to kill a horse for that reason though.  Smaller tribes started to answer to a larger city.  From what the Greeks accomplished, they helped shape the future and their ways gave others a foundation also. 

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