Monday, May 13, 2013

What was the Christian's name who was tortured by the Romans for supposedly lighting fires?  Peter (The Romans didn't even know who lit the fire--never did)
Which man in power was in charge of the last major Christian persecutions?  Diocletian
What did the whole army do after Constantine saw the sign from God?  Painted a cross on their shields
What is an edict?  Official law or prosecution
What was the result of Constantine having all religions treated equally?  They grew and spread into millions
What religion was Constantine's mother?  Christian
How large was the army increased by when Diocletian came in power? 400,000
What god did the Christians have to give sacrifice to after the fires?  Jupiter
Where did Constantine see the sign from God? Milvian Bridge
How long did it take for emperors to loose their power?  Two and a half years
How many government officials were there under Diocletian's rule? 20,000
Who did Christianity appeal to?  The poor and disenfranchised
What did the edict of Milan do? Who declared it?  Constantine and it declared Christians as a Roman religion.

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