Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review of Test

We went over the test.  Then we talked about Christianity in the Pax Romana.  Christianity used to be really small and people though of it as a cult.  It began with Jesus.  Almost all of what is written about Jesus is in the gospels.  Gospel means good news.  Stories were told and retold, then written down.  Jesus said that you must strive for perfection because God is perfect.  He sought out the imperfect and tried to help them.  He made friends with prostitutes and those people.  It was believed he was both man and son of God, but that is what all of the pharaohs and kings also said.  They didn't like Jesus for the same reason the didn't like Tiberius Gracchus: Jesus was trying to empower the poor and common people.  Jesus was a threat.  Bible is the only historical we have of Jesus.  Paul killed Christians by giving them to the Romans so they could use them as entertainment (put them in with the lions).  Paul had a vision of Jesus on the third day he was feeling whacky.  Predestination: God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damned.

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