Monday, April 8, 2013


The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece in the western area.  The Romans imitated the Greeks and the added to it and improved upon it.  Rome became a Greek-style city-state in around 500 BC.  The Republic--their government was more effective than any in Greece.  Romans were more effective in conquering foreign lands and they were also more generous to their enemies. In five centuries Rome became the center of an empire that stretched from Mesopotamia to the Atlantic Ocean.  Augustus Caesar managed to turn military rule into a workable system of government.  Rome was and empire that held so much power for so long.

Italy and Its People
Tribes moved to Italy and they soon became stronger because they could control the waters.  Around 750 BC the settlements joined to form a single city-state--Rome.  The Etruscan's arrived in Italy sometime in the 9th century BC.  The combined cultures of the Greeks and also were under the rule of kings.  In the 7th century BC. the conquered Latium and ruled Rome itself.  But that didn't last too long.  Colonies that they planted in southern Italy began to spread northward almost to the borders of Latium.  These people gave word the the Latins about the alphabet.

Roman Republic
The Romans had kings that were advised by the senate (which meant old man).  He would choose these members from among the patricians (men with fathers).  When a king died a successor was chosen by the senate from among its own members.  Senate and the patricians basically dominated the city-state.  Around 500 BC.  Rome overthrew its Etruscand rulers and the monarchy was abolished.  This new government that arose was a mix of Greek's-style and oligarchy.

Patricians and Plebeians
The patricians were the aristocrats and the plebeians were everyone who didn't belong to the patricians.  The  Senate is a government assembly appointed by the king and under the Republic by the consuls; two senators who led the government and military for one two-year terms.  Plebeians started to become wealthy and powerful.  450 BC.: laws of Rome were set down in writing.

"Mixed" Government
The assemblies alongside the old one--a counterweight seemed to be working better than ever.  It is mixed because of its combination of oligarchic and democratic features.  It was widely admired in ancient times and continues to influence government systems today. A plebeian could run for senate but they had to have a patron-- rich person to help campaign for them.

Republican Values
The Mixed government was not just a government to them but a way of life.  Romans judged themselves according to these values, which thereby influenced their behavior and achievements. 

City and the Gods
Rome had a special relationship with three deities.  Some Roman values were common to all ancient city-states, but the gods and goddesses were interpreted differently through the city-states.  Minerva, the goddess of skill and wisdom. Juno/Hera was Zeus' fertility goddess.

Citizens and the Community
Shared values, including the belief that it was the right and duty of the men to fight in wars and share the government.  Took for granted that women had no rights.  Women needed guardians for all legal transactions.  

Community and the Family
Unlike Sparta, a man first belonged to his family and a clan.  They were held together by family fathers--they held great power in the household.  Motherhood was also revered in Rome.  A married woman bore the title of matron.  If a man was raped or committed it they may kill themselves because of the shame.  Women were expected to help make sure that men had the qualities to keep the Republic strong.

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