Monday, April 22, 2013

Hannibal was a Carthaginian who attacked Rome from the North, not from the West.  They don't have defense on that side so he's starting to win.  Also came with elephants, but they lost so many people on the trip but never won fully.  Carthage-1, Rome-2.  Rome just went after Carthage, the city and destroyed every adult male or enslaved them.  This was the most ruthless Rome had ever been. And 1/3 of the people in Rome were slaves.  Rich were getting richer.  While the men are off fighting the women are left to take care of everything else.  Women couldn't keep up with money, craps and everything.  Rich would come in and buy it from them for a "good price" (maybe).  A latifundia is when the rich put all of the land together they bought and make a big farm building thing and put to work the people who they bought it from.  Men come back to find their land is not theirs anymore.  Decided to move to Rome for more opportunity.  Streets of Rome were teething the streets.  The government started to give people a little food so they don't revolt.  Also entertained them with the gladiators.  Built the Circus Maximus, it could hold 100,000 people.  Gladiator fought to the death, they were either criminals, animals, or christians.  Circus means circle.  The brothers Gracchus tried to reform the government by telling the rich to give some of the land back to soldiers who fought for them.  Rich said no.  Rich killed a Gracchus brother with a chair and threw him into the Tiber River.  Then we started to watch a movie how they reinacted riding the chariots.

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