Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finished the Moive

We finished the movie today and he died in the end.  We had a discussion at the end about whether or not Titinius was really doing what he did for the people or that he got carried away with the power he had gained.  We all thought that it was truly for the people but then we got to thinking.  The beginning was all for the people but the end was just him wanting more.  Then we had a discussion about the North Koreans.  Their life sounds horrible.  They aren't even allowed to leave the country!  Most all of them have no computers and the ones who do are only allowed on 1 site.  And on top of everything that one site is governed by the government.  Anyway, North Korea and South Korea are technically still one country because they haven't broken the treaty but North Korea basically said we're not following any of the rules we signed for in the paper.  Also, there were these people who went in to film the doctor, but they were really interviewing people.  They made a movie about it and thankfully none got killed.  The people there were practically blind and the doctor took out this little eye slip thing and they could see again.  Instead of thanking the doctor they basically bowed to the leader and said thank you.  How rude.

Monday, April 29, 2013


We watched a movie today about the Gracchus brother, Titinius and how he came into power.  In the movie the senate is basically evil except for like one person.  Titinius is running for the consul and he gets it!  His one friend, forget his name, but he took lots of people's land, as well as many other rich people.  Titinius made a treaty/agreement with the Spaniards, otherwise they would have all died.  The people love him but Titinius has a lot of powerful enemies.  We're going to keep watching this because we all like it and it works for us.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Review Test

All we did all day was review the test we took the other day.  It took the whole class to go over everything.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We took the test today so we ended up using the last 25 minutes to do homework or whatever.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We watched the rest of the clip about chariot riders.  The first Punic war Romans won the battle over Cicily. Carthage keeps the rest of their empire.  The loyalty and perseverance of Romans helped them to stay afloat.  Carthaginian armies were being paid, not because of their country.  Eventually, Rome provoked a third in in 136 BC. Carthage was captured!! Rome won!  202 BC. Rome had control of the western mediterranean.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hannibal was a Carthaginian who attacked Rome from the North, not from the West.  They don't have defense on that side so he's starting to win.  Also came with elephants, but they lost so many people on the trip but never won fully.  Carthage-1, Rome-2.  Rome just went after Carthage, the city and destroyed every adult male or enslaved them.  This was the most ruthless Rome had ever been. And 1/3 of the people in Rome were slaves.  Rich were getting richer.  While the men are off fighting the women are left to take care of everything else.  Women couldn't keep up with money, craps and everything.  Rich would come in and buy it from them for a "good price" (maybe).  A latifundia is when the rich put all of the land together they bought and make a big farm building thing and put to work the people who they bought it from.  Men come back to find their land is not theirs anymore.  Decided to move to Rome for more opportunity.  Streets of Rome were teething the streets.  The government started to give people a little food so they don't revolt.  Also entertained them with the gladiators.  Built the Circus Maximus, it could hold 100,000 people.  Gladiator fought to the death, they were either criminals, animals, or christians.  Circus means circle.  The brothers Gracchus tried to reform the government by telling the rich to give some of the land back to soldiers who fought for them.  Rich said no.  Rich killed a Gracchus brother with a chair and threw him into the Tiber River.  Then we started to watch a movie how they reinacted riding the chariots.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

All My Hard Work for Nothing

So, I finished my movie last night and we came into class and turns out he canceled it.  I showed ours anyway and it was phenomenal!  After that we just switched gears and took notes on what he explain about the song.  There were 3 Punic wars, about who Rome or Carthage wanted Cicily.  They battle for it and the first war and Rome wins.  It took him a while to try and find a map he liked.  He never really found was he liked a lot but oh well.  Hannibal was a 28 year old man who was brilliant.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Movie

All we did in class was work on the movie with our groups.  Mr. Schick wasn't there though so we had a sub.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Maker

So it took us a while to get started this morning because everyone's internet wasn't working.  When it got back up we worked on making a video with pictures and everything for the rap.  My group is Drew and Savannah and so far its been going well.  Hopefully it get a 100%!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pixton and LO2

So we worked in partners for the comic and Savannah and I paired up.  Our comic is pretty funny the link is:  http://www.pixton.com/comic/jcfpglr9

Romans were definitely military people and their first battle was against the Etruscans.  Rome was known for their superior army, they also created lots of allies.  By 250 B.C. Rome had conquered all of Italy south of the River Po.  Rome provoked multiple wars with other countries, by 202 B.C. Rome had control of all the Western Mediterranean.  Carthage in Sicily, Spain and Africa became the first Roman provinces.  Except they did not enjoy this because they were treated more as conquered lands and controlled by Rome, they also had to pay tribute to them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Mr. Schick did a rap today.  Oh. My. God.  It was interesting, we all filmed it and Martha helped him. Here's the video:

Senate had 300 people in it, among them were two consuls/people who had more power and were basically in charge of everything.  There were two people because they had veto power over the other.  So the other could completely stop him. Consuls serve for one year but not anymore.  They could run for consul in 10 years though.  This happened after 509 BC.  Patricians used the law to push plebeians around.  The Twelve Laws (450 BC.).  Before these the patricians were the only ones who knew the laws.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Romans loved the way Greeks did things.  Warfare and government is what they improved upon.  Italy was basically exactly like Greek but could have more people and raise more food because they didn't have as many mountains.  Latins were the first to show up in Italy.  Major groups: Latins, Etruscans and Greeks.  Romans got their gods and alphabet from the Greeks.  Tarquin the proud was a monarch, he was the last king of Rome.  He ruled liked a tyrant; harsh, threw favors to his family, etc.  Peoples business is what they referred their government to.  Res publica-republic. 530-509 was Tarquin's rule.

Monday, April 8, 2013


The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece in the western area.  The Romans imitated the Greeks and the added to it and improved upon it.  Rome became a Greek-style city-state in around 500 BC.  The Republic--their government was more effective than any in Greece.  Romans were more effective in conquering foreign lands and they were also more generous to their enemies. In five centuries Rome became the center of an empire that stretched from Mesopotamia to the Atlantic Ocean.  Augustus Caesar managed to turn military rule into a workable system of government.  Rome was and empire that held so much power for so long.

Italy and Its People
Tribes moved to Italy and they soon became stronger because they could control the waters.  Around 750 BC the settlements joined to form a single city-state--Rome.  The Etruscan's arrived in Italy sometime in the 9th century BC.  The combined cultures of the Greeks and also were under the rule of kings.  In the 7th century BC. the conquered Latium and ruled Rome itself.  But that didn't last too long.  Colonies that they planted in southern Italy began to spread northward almost to the borders of Latium.  These people gave word the the Latins about the alphabet.

Roman Republic
The Romans had kings that were advised by the senate (which meant old man).  He would choose these members from among the patricians (men with fathers).  When a king died a successor was chosen by the senate from among its own members.  Senate and the patricians basically dominated the city-state.  Around 500 BC.  Rome overthrew its Etruscand rulers and the monarchy was abolished.  This new government that arose was a mix of Greek's-style and oligarchy.

Patricians and Plebeians
The patricians were the aristocrats and the plebeians were everyone who didn't belong to the patricians.  The  Senate is a government assembly appointed by the king and under the Republic by the consuls; two senators who led the government and military for one two-year terms.  Plebeians started to become wealthy and powerful.  450 BC.: laws of Rome were set down in writing.

"Mixed" Government
The assemblies alongside the old one--a counterweight seemed to be working better than ever.  It is mixed because of its combination of oligarchic and democratic features.  It was widely admired in ancient times and continues to influence government systems today. A plebeian could run for senate but they had to have a patron-- rich person to help campaign for them.

Republican Values
The Mixed government was not just a government to them but a way of life.  Romans judged themselves according to these values, which thereby influenced their behavior and achievements. 

City and the Gods
Rome had a special relationship with three deities.  Some Roman values were common to all ancient city-states, but the gods and goddesses were interpreted differently through the city-states.  Minerva, the goddess of skill and wisdom. Juno/Hera was Zeus' fertility goddess.

Citizens and the Community
Shared values, including the belief that it was the right and duty of the men to fight in wars and share the government.  Took for granted that women had no rights.  Women needed guardians for all legal transactions.  

Community and the Family
Unlike Sparta, a man first belonged to his family and a clan.  They were held together by family fathers--they held great power in the household.  Motherhood was also revered in Rome.  A married woman bore the title of matron.  If a man was raped or committed it they may kill themselves because of the shame.  Women were expected to help make sure that men had the qualities to keep the Republic strong.