Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Origins and Ages of Humans

We took notes on a PowerPoint that was shown today, and from the notes I took and seeing how many slides we looked at, there wasn't a whole lot of information that was taken down.  (Or information I gathered because I went to the bathroom).  200,000 years ago was when the first people evolved (estimation).  14,000 years ago was the human race.  I don't really understand the difference between the two.  Neolithic is new and the "Pae" is older.  When the Neolithic Revolution started, there became hierarchies, and sadly, the status of women lowered.  People had more time to do things in a community, so they started to thing about Gods, and the populations rose.  We did watch a video today that have John Green in it.  Never heard of him until today, but he's a smart guy, wrote several books.  He figured out that to buy a 99 cent double cheeseburger, all you have to do is work 11 minutes on minimum wage to make that kind of money.  Also when the nomads were around, fishing was popular because they didn't eat you and there was also a lot of them.  Mr. Schick feels Jared Diamond left out the part how people tended to be near water.  Also the bones and teeth of people way back when, were healthier and stronger than those nowadays.  We had to stop because of the bell after that.

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