Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oh My Goshes

We did so badly on the test compared to the other sections.  The one was 80, the other was 75 or something like that, and ours was a 52 I believe!  Holy cow, I mean I got an 80, but still.  Kelley though, was the only one to get a 100%! You go Kelley.  Anyways, we got through some of this Prezi.  It was about Egypt.  Egyptian life is centered all around the Nile River, and the satellite picture we looked at showed greens stuff, and that was where people had settled along the Nile.  It was crazy looking.  Water was used for bathing, drinking, irrigation, and transportation.  Also, Every June the Nile floods, and so in October everything is super fertile, the soil in that stage is called silt.  They got smarter so when it flooded they would create pathways for the water to flow so it wouldn't destroy all their crops.  That was a technological breakthrough, and is one of the ways to manage a river.  Mentioned was the Great Sphinx of Giza/Pyramids, I had no clue that they were all shiny and pretty when they were first completed.  This Pharaoh wanted to get in and no one, still to this day has found the secret rock on the outside of the Pyramid that opens a hidden pathway.  (That sounds SO cool).  So the Pharaoh guy ordered to have a hole bashed into the side so he could look for his stupid treasure.  Anyways this idiot never found his treasure.  In fact there are many, many pathways and tunnels inside that lead to chambers of dead important people.  Plus, everything is dark.  Although, people have found little notes on the sides, hidden in the corners how the people built it wrote about how amazing it is.  Speaking of which, I was always told that the Pyramids were built by slaves, but instead it was built by people who wanted to build it.  It was basically community service.  It took a long time to build, roughly 27 years, from the years 2555-2532 BC.  The oldest monumental statue in the world, and it has a lion with a human head, sadly though, some dummies shot the nose off.  We managed to get down at the end of class the order of people back then.  It was: Pharaoh; Government Officials-Nobles, Priest; Soldiers; Scribes; Merchants; Artisans; Farmers; (and last but not least) Slaves and Servants.

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